
David - Apr 2024

You guys were such good sports right from the get go and really helped to settle any complete novice nerves about the day.

I believe that I really benefited from, and learned a great deal during the low speed control section, especially the hints, tips, and pointers throughout. Also got to find some lovely spots to sit and enjoy the view, after a bit of extreme parking!

Didn’t really expect to process onto the bigger stuff but the guys were all so positive and supportive I thought I might as well have a go - it was definitely worth pushing on and I couldn’t believe it when I finally managed the big hill climb what a feeling.

Is it worth it… yes, 

Would I go again…. without a doubt,

Should you do it? If you want to try something new… yes,  

Maybe improve your riding skills… why not,

Enjoy a good fun rewarding experience, and don’t mind getting a bit dirty… definitely.

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